location icon Số Lô CT 10b-12-14-16-18-20-22-24a, Lô CT 24b-26-28, Lô CT 30-32-34-36-38-40-42, Lô T.19b-21-23-25-27a, Lô T.27b-29-31a và Lô T.15b-17-19a, Khu C, Khu Chế Xuất Tân Thuận, Phường Tân Thuận Đông, Quận 7, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam
Since 1972, CX Technology has been a leading supplier in cold forging and plastic injection components and parts. In 2011, CX has reorganized its manufacturing business into Forging Division and Plastic Injection Division. Together these business units will focus on speaker parts, automotive parts, industrial fasteners and injection parts for consumer goods market. CX strives to bring complete satisfaction to our customers through comprehensive and professional services; our ability to design and develop multi-use, multi-function components; and higher value-added products delivered through over-molding of plastic and metal parts.

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exp 156 việc đang tuyển
exp 129 việc đang tuyển