Ngân Hàng Agricultual Bank of China Limited - Chi Nhánh Hà Nội

location icon P901-907, TẦNG 9, TÒA NHÀ TNR, 54A NGUYỄN CHÍ THANH, ĐỐNG ĐA, HÀ NỘI
.本行的前身最早可追溯至1951年成立的农业合作银行。上世纪70年代末以来,本行相继经历了国家专业银行、国有独资商业银行和国有控股商业银行等不同发展阶段。2009 年1月,本行整体改制为股份有限公司。2010年7月,本行分别在上海证券交易所和香港联合交易所挂牌上市。 本行是中国主要的综合性金融服务提供商之一,致力于建设经营特色明显、服务高效便捷、功能齐全协同、价值创造能力突出的国际一流商业银行集团。本行凭借全面的业务组合、庞大的分销网络和领先的技术平台,向广大客户提供各种公司银行和零售银行产品和服务,同时开展金融市场业务及资产管理业务,业务范围还涵盖投资银行、基金管理、金融租赁、人寿保险等领域。截至2016年末,本行总资产195,700.61亿元,发放贷款和垫款97,196.39亿元,吸收存款150,380.01亿元,资本充足率13.04%,全年实现净利润1,840.60亿元。 截至2016年末,本行境内分支机构共计23,682个,包括总行本部、总行营业部、3个总行专营机构,37个一级(直属)分行,365个二级分行(含省区分行营业部),3,506个一级支行(含直辖市、直属分行营业部,二级分行营业部)、19,714个基层营业机构以及55个其他机构。境外分支机构包括10家境外分行和3家境外代表处。本行拥有14家主要控股子公司,其中境内9家,境外5家。 2014年起,金融稳定理事会连续三年将本行纳入全球系统重要性银行名单。2016年,在美国《财富》杂志世界500强排名中,本行位列第29位;在英国《银行家》杂志全球银行1,000强排名中,以一级资本计,本行位列第5位。本行标准普尔发行人信用评级为A/A-1,惠誉长/短期发行人违约评级为A/F1。 The predecessor of the Bank was Agricultural Cooperative Bank established in 1951. Since the late 1970s, the Bank has evolved from a state-owned specialized bank to a wholly state-owned commercial bank and subsequently a state-controlled commercial bank. The Bank was restructured into a joint stock limited liability company in January 2009. In July 2010, the Bank was listed on both the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. As one of the major integrated financial service providers in China, the Bank is committed to building an international first-class commercial banking group with featured operations, efficient and convenient services, diversified functions, as well as demonstrated value-creation capability. Capitalizing on its comprehensive business portfolio, extensive distribution network and advanced IT platform, the Bank provides a diverse portfolio of corporate and retail banking products and services for a broad range of customers, and conducts treasury operations and asset management. Our business scope also includes, among other things, investment banking, fund management, financial leasing and life insurance. At the end of 2016, the Bank had total assets of RMB19,570,061 million, loans and advances to customers of RMB9,719,639 million and deposits of RMB15,038,001 million. Our capital adequacy ratio was 13.04%. The Bank achieved a net profit of RMB184,060 million in 2016. The Bank had a total of 23,682 domestic branch outlets at the end of 2016, including the Head Office, the Business Department of the Head Office, three specialized business units managed by the Head Office, 37 tier-1 branches (including branches directly managed by the Head Office), 365 tier-2 branches (including business departments of branches in provinces), 3,506 tier-1 sub-branches (including business departments in municipalities, business departments of branches directly managed by the Head Office and business departments of tier-2 branches), 19,714 foundation-level branch outlets, and 55 other establishments. Our overseas branch outlets consisted of ten overseas branches and three overseas representative offices. The Bank had fourteen major subsidiaries, including nine domestic subsidiaries and five overseas subsidiaries. The Financial Stability Board has included the Bank into the list of Global Systemically Important Banks for three consecutive years since 2014. In 2016, the Bank ranked No. 29 in Fortune’s Global 500, and ranked No. 5 in The Banker’s “Top 1000 World Banks” list in terms of tier 1 capital. The Bank’s issuer credit ratings assigned by Standard & Poor’s were A/A-1, and the long-/short-term issuer default ratings assigned by Fitch Ratings were A/F1.

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