Tổng hợp việc làm cho sinh viên Đại học FPT TP HCM theo ngành nghề. Nơi sinh viên tìm việc phù hợp và định hướng nghề nghiệp.
Dear Future Agriculturist. Perhaps we just lack a little bit of fate to connect with each other. Hopefully through this introduction, the correct message will bring us closer to you.
Before going into the main content, we would like to say a few words:
Speaking of agriculture, not only us but also thousands of other entrepreneurs have the same concern about how to create a fertile, regenerating, balanced, and happy landscape. That is the freshest place for human life; Mother Nature heals everything.
Following the call of the green dream, many schools of regenerative agriculture have been born, for example, the one-straw revolution, the forest gardening once spread widely. It proves that the dreaming of sustainable agriculture is always the desire of every agricultural lover. However, the reality of life seems extremely cruel in front of food, clothing, and money. Practicing the above aspiration is increasingly difficult, as evidenced by the many agricultural stories that started out with enthusiasm and then failed halfway. However, even the fact that how harsh reality is, we always hope that as long as we do not give up, all participants will succeed in their own way. Likewise, we, MRS Group, have been telling the story of the dream of green agriculture, prosperous like Mother Nature in our own way. As a company operating in the field of global regenerative agriculture, we have developed agricultural practice centers in Asia. In which, we put the main resources in our beloved homeland Vietnam. In Pleiku, we are operating a green research center, allowing agriculturists to research and experiment to create good formulas and models to replicate and share with partners such as farmers, manufacturers, and sustainable growing areas to meet the needs of our global ecosystem. As a company specializing in regenerative agricultural solutions, we focus on the environment, people, green production, and efficient distribution as the core of our operations. Through the above rambling, we hope that you will deeply grasp the spirit of the company, to consider applying.
You are an agriculturist, or an experienced or newly graduated agriculturist (we only acknowledge that you have truly invested time and effort during your years at school if you are a new graduate) and are looking for an environment with the agricultural world as well as being willing to train and support you to develop your career, we are very open to receiving your CV. We are here to acknowledge your years of effort at school, or your working time, by once again thanking, creating conditions, and training you to enter the world of experts in the field of regenerative agriculture.
With the above thoughts, we have the following criteria for you to consider. Hope you will read carefully to see if we can connect to cooperate with each other.
Position: Junior Agronomist
Starting time: November, 3-month internship, from Monday to Saturday.
Working place: Gia Lai Regenerative Agriculture Research Center
- Research, monitor, and care for all crops at the center in the direction of regenerative agriculture.
- Practice daily and weekly reports on agricultural practices of crops.
- Research soil, water systems, and waste food treatment to create a circular economy at the center
- Coordinate with other departments in planning the implementation of planting, harvesting, preservation, production, and distribution at the center.
- Build data, reports, conduct training topics for farmers, domestic and regional enterprises on the practice of regenerative agriculture
- Evaluate, accept annually and increase the regenerative factor for all aspects including soil, water, trees, air purity as well as living environment at the center.
- Propagate multi-layered crops, perfect the regenerative formula in line with the company's vision.
- Conduct dialogues with global and regenerative enterprises
- Work with other departments to research green technology farming methods to promote efficiency in applying regenerative agriculture.
9. Tham gia các khóa đào tạo trong và ngoài công ty nhằm nâng cao hiệu quả quản lý chuyên môn nghiệp vụ được giao phó.
Quản lý, kiểm tra hóa đơn đầu ra – đầu vào và các chi phí doanh nghiệp.
Am hiểu về phần mềm Misa
Hạch toán chứng từ lên phần mềm ERP của công ty.
Xuất hóa đơn, in sổ sách định kỳ.
Sắp xếp, phân loại, kiểm tra chứng từ, tài liệu, xử lý nghiệp vụ phát sinh.
Theo dõi hợp đồng, hồ sơ đối soát phí.
Tính hoa hồng định kỳ cho khối kinh doanh và các phòng ban có liên quan.
Thực hiện các giao dịch ngân hàng, lập lệnh UNC.
Lập khai báo thuế định kỳ và làm hồ sơ thuế liên quan.
Các công tác nội bộ theo phân công Kế toán trưởng.
Xây dựng tiêu chuẩn làm việc cho nhân viên bộ phận
Quản lý, điều phối các hoạt động của bộ phận
Quản lý toàn bộ các hoạt động nội bộ bộ phận