Tổng hợp việc làm cho sinh viên Đại học Việt - Đức theo ngành nghề. Nơi sinh viên tìm việc phù hợp và định hướng nghề nghiệp.
- Manage all the original block patterns of individual customers. The block patterns are analyzed on receipt and report the observations to the concerned QA or to QA Head.
- Assist in creating block patterns for the customers based on the standard size spec and the body measurements for various products.
- Making 3D CLO base on 2D pattern – sewing, simulation and render on many kinds of products (basic tops, bottom, wash, puffer jacket).
- Review and edit fitting on 3D CLO base on customer requirement.
- Evaluates the style patterns/ 3D CLO file from the supplier wherever the QA ask for the assistance and assist in rectifying the pattern as per the requirements.
- Visit the suppliers periodically to review & train them for pattern marking + 3D CLO base on Asmara standard.
- Store all the patterns in the CAD system (Block and style patterns) for easy retrieving.
- Assist the BU-Head and Merchandising managers in providing the costing markers.